lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Contatti27
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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

verdea quaranta
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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da MLucia Dom Gen 24, 2016 9:02 pm


Dear premier Matthew ( I call you with your first name, because I feel you as a member of my family),
I decided to write you in Inglish (and not an inglish qualsias, an inglish as the one you sfogged some months ago in the European meeting) because it’s shish and we tutts knows that Italian is an inutil and superated language.
I wanto to ringrazz you for the teachers’concors you are preparing.
The idea stess of a concors is genial: it’s indispensable to test again many sfigated teachers who have a laur, spess a master or a dottorat, an abilitant cors, and in many cases, parecch years of insegnament.
I’m sicur you know what is TFA: a very hard prov of ingress, an inter year of attivities, tirocin and sacrifices, and the dispend of 2500 euros, that are bruscolins for the fantasmagoric stipends of Italian teachers.
I’m also deliziated by the indiscrections are giring about the contenuts of the concors.
The provs your are preparing are so fantastic.
-The idea of making the first prov with computer demonstrates that ortography is not important for a teacher: now we have the t9 for correcting our Italian and it’s important thet also analphabets can have a chance to became teachers.
- The idea of a domand (or two) in a foreign language is great: I have già dett that Italian is a no more util language and also the MIUR sottosegretar Faraone has appen demonstrated us thet you can divent a pezz gross of the governamant even if you ignore this language.
- The oral about disciplins: I pens it’s more important to kwow what Napoleon manged before the Waterloo battle, than being able to teach and to trasmitt competences to the students.
- Also the tempistic is very good: we’ll have sol two months for preparing the consors. Dopotutt, everybody knows that teachers, during the scolarìstic year, have un cazz to do. We work only 18 hours for settiman, and we don’t have nient’altr to do at home: nobody of us prepares the lessons, correct students’ homework and classwork, appront materials for dsa and bes, make reunions with the collegues. We gratt our ass tutt the afternoon and so we are happy to have, finalment, something to do in a so cort time.
Concluding, I’m sure thet this concors will be the ciliegin on the tort of a great school reform: I love “The Buon School” and I’m sure we’ll raccogl the fruits in a short time.
So, my dear Matthew, I want to ringrazz you for all your great reforms (all with Inglish names): the spending review, the jobs act and the constitution demolition (if you doesn’t have pensated a name for this important reform, this is my suggeriment).
I augur you, for the next elections, to prend the same number of votes thet permitted you to becama our amated premier.
With big admiration
A sfigated Italian teacher
Vale JB Belleri


Messaggi : 512
Data d'iscrizione : 01.04.14

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da mariposita Dom Gen 24, 2016 9:30 pm


- The idea of a domand (or two) in a foreign language is great: I have già dett that Italian is a no more util language and also the MIUR sottosegretar Faraone has appen demonstrated us thet you can divent a pezz gross of the governamant even if you ignore this language.

- Also the tempistic is very good: we’ll have sol two months for preparing the consors. Dopotutt, everybody knows that teachers, during the scolarìstic year, have un cazz to do. We work only 18 hours for settiman, and we don’t have nient’altr to do at home: nobody of us prepares the lessons, correct students’ homework and classwork, appront materials for dsa and bes, make reunions with the collegues. We gratt our ass tutt the afternoon and so we are happy to have, finalment, something to do in a so cort time.

ahahah sembrano i temi dei miei studenti, purtroppo!
ecco, adesso sì che possiamo comunicare con lui e farci capire, hai usato il linguaggio giusto, brava. Mi ricorda un po' Razzi, ma...


Messaggi : 1746
Data d'iscrizione : 14.10.09

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da Procopio Dom Gen 24, 2016 9:37 pm


Dear premier Matthew ( I call you with your first name, because I feel you as a member of my family),
I decided to write you in Inglish (and not an inglish qualsias, an inglish as the one you sfogged some months ago in the European meeting) because it’s shish and we tutts knows that Italian is an inutil and superated language.
I wanto to ringrazz you for the teachers’concors you are preparing.
The idea stess of a concors is genial: it’s indispensable to test again many sfigated teachers who have a laur, spess a master or a dottorat, an abilitant cors, and in many cases, parecch years of insegnament.
I’m sicur you know what is TFA: a very hard prov of ingress, an inter year of attivities, tirocin and sacrifices, and the dispend of 2500 euros, that are bruscolins for the fantasmagoric stipends of Italian teachers.
I’m also deliziated by the indiscrections are giring about the contenuts of the concors.
The provs your are preparing are so fantastic.
-The idea of making the first prov with computer demonstrates that ortography is not important for a teacher: now we have the t9 for correcting our Italian and it’s important thet also analphabets can have a chance to became teachers.
- The idea of a domand (or two) in a foreign language is great: I have già dett that Italian is a no more util language and also the MIUR sottosegretar Faraone has appen demonstrated us thet you can divent a pezz gross of the governamant even if you ignore this language.
- The oral about disciplins: I pens it’s more important to kwow what Napoleon manged before the Waterloo battle, than being able to teach and to trasmitt competences to the students.
- Also the tempistic is very good: we’ll have sol two months for preparing the consors. Dopotutt, everybody knows that teachers, during the scolarìstic year, have un cazz to do. We work only 18 hours for settiman, and we don’t have nient’altr to do at home: nobody of us prepares the lessons, correct students’ homework and classwork, appront materials for dsa and bes, make reunions with the collegues. We gratt our ass tutt the afternoon and so we are happy to have, finalment, something to do in a so cort time.
Concluding, I’m sure thet this concors will be the ciliegin on the tort of a great school reform: I love “The Buon School” and I’m sure we’ll raccogl the fruits in a short time.
So, my dear Matthew, I want to ringrazz you for all your great reforms (all with Inglish names): the spending review, the jobs act and the constitution demolition (if you doesn’t have pensated a name for this important reform, this is my suggeriment).
I augur you, for the next elections, to prend the same number of votes thet permitted you to becama our amated premier.
With big admiration
A sfigated Italian teacher
Vale JB Belleri
I totally agree, well written and well done!


Messaggi : 1866
Data d'iscrizione : 28.12.13
Località : Bari: la città più grande del Piemonte

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da raganella Dom Gen 24, 2016 9:47 pm


Dear premier Matthew ( I call you with your first name, because I feel you as a member of my family),
I decided to write you in Inglish (and not an inglish qualsias, an inglish as the one you sfogged some months ago in the European meeting) because it’s shish and we tutts knows that Italian is an inutil and superated language.
I wanto to ringrazz you for the teachers’concors you are preparing.
The idea stess of a concors is genial: it’s indispensable to test again many sfigated teachers who have a laur, spess a master or a dottorat, an abilitant cors, and in many cases, parecch years of insegnament.
I’m sicur you know what is TFA: a very hard prov of ingress, an inter year of attivities, tirocin and sacrifices, and the dispend of 2500 euros, that are bruscolins for the fantasmagoric stipends of Italian teachers.
I’m also deliziated by the indiscrections are giring about the contenuts of the concors.
The provs your are preparing are so fantastic.
-The idea of making the first prov with computer demonstrates that ortography is not important for a teacher: now we have the t9 for correcting our Italian and it’s important thet also analphabets can have a chance to became teachers.
- The idea of a domand (or two) in a foreign language is great: I have già dett that Italian is a no more util language and also the MIUR sottosegretar Faraone has appen demonstrated us thet you can divent a pezz gross of the governamant even if you ignore this language.
- The oral about disciplins: I pens it’s more important to kwow what Napoleon manged before the Waterloo battle, than being able to teach and to trasmitt competences to the students.
- Also the tempistic is very good: we’ll have sol two months for preparing the consors. Dopotutt, everybody knows that teachers, during the scolarìstic year, have un cazz to do. We work only 18 hours for settiman, and we don’t have nient’altr to do at home: nobody of us prepares the lessons, correct students’ homework and classwork, appront materials for dsa and bes, make reunions with the collegues. We gratt our ass tutt the afternoon and so we are happy to have, finalment, something to do in a so cort time.
Concluding, I’m sure thet this concors will be the ciliegin on the tort of a great school reform: I love “The Buon School” and I’m sure we’ll raccogl the fruits in a short time.
So, my dear Matthew, I want to ringrazz you for all your great reforms (all with Inglish names): the spending review, the jobs act and the constitution demolition (if you doesn’t have pensated a name for this important reform, this is my suggeriment).
I augur you, for the next elections, to prend the same number of votes thet permitted you to becama our amated premier.
With big admiration
A sfigated Italian teacher
Vale JB Belleri


Messaggi : 2466
Data d'iscrizione : 24.08.11

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da JaneEyre Dom Gen 24, 2016 10:00 pm

Gud giob!


Messaggi : 1988
Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.11

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da B.u.m. Dom Gen 24, 2016 10:30 pm

You must tu diffond this fantastic letter to our amated premier!


Messaggi : 777
Data d'iscrizione : 07.09.15

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da Ospite Dom Gen 24, 2016 10:36 pm


Dear premier Matthew ( I call you with your first name, because I feel you as a member of my family),

lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) 1406012339969-600x375

I'm rotoling on the bich sganashated by the risats!


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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da verdea quaranta Dom Gen 24, 2016 11:27 pm

I'm having a big mal di pans for so many risats!!!!

verdea quaranta

Messaggi : 31
Data d'iscrizione : 25.10.15

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da verdea quaranta Dom Gen 24, 2016 11:28 pm

But when i think to the concorsone, I feel like crying.....

verdea quaranta

Messaggi : 31
Data d'iscrizione : 25.10.15

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da michetta Lun Gen 25, 2016 12:08 am

complimenti alla sfigated teacher! da incorniciare!!!!!

Messaggi : 6017
Data d'iscrizione : 17.08.11

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da Ospite Lun Gen 25, 2016 12:24 am

verdea quaranta ha scritto:I'm having a big mal di pans for so many risats!!!!

Forse nell'inglese che parlate in Giamaica dite così, nell'inglese di Sardegna diciamo dolor of Brent. Che non c'entra un ka-keo con i prezzi del petrolio


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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da tina77 Lun Gen 25, 2016 9:25 am



Messaggi : 166
Data d'iscrizione : 16.08.13

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da miranda Mar Gen 26, 2016 5:10 pm

La lettera è favolosa. L'ho fotocopiata e appesa in sala insegnanti e sopra il banco delle circolari! Da ex docente di inglese ho apprezzato moltissimo il lessico e la sintassi. Solo uno che SA l'inglese può storpiarlo così! Un genio. Forse un DS non dovrebbe apprezzare queste lettere, ma si sa che io sono un DS particolare. E poi ho raggiunto i 42 anni pensionabili (grazie al fatto che una volta i docenti di lingue erano così pochi che ho avuto la prima supplenza annuale a 22 anni pochi giorni dopo la laurea). E grazie all'età anagrafica!!! Se non mi vogliono le alte sfere mi pensioneranno.
By the way...le mie eccellenti docenti di inglese hanno deciso di estrapolarne paragrafi e di dare come esercizio (pair work or group work) ai ragazzi migliori il compito di "tradurla" in British English. Sono solo un po' perplesse su alcune espressioni come "have un cazz to do".


Messaggi : 476
Data d'iscrizione : 30.08.10

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da michetta Mar Gen 26, 2016 5:15 pm

Miranda for DS for evri scul of itali !

Messaggi : 6017
Data d'iscrizione : 17.08.11

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da Ospite Mar Gen 26, 2016 7:46 pm

miranda ha scritto:Sono solo un po' perplesse su alcune espressioni come "have un cazz to do".

È una frase di grande valenza storica. Ha avuto origine a New York, all'epoca in cui costruivano i grattacieli di Manhattan. Quando l'impresario scoprì che quei lavativi, invece di armeggiare con cazzuola e cemento, erano dediti a farsi fare i selfie seduti tutti in fila su una trave sospesa a 250 metri di altezza, a beneficio dei poster(i) della CGIL, salì inc***ato nero e urlò
Uno degli operai, immigrato di origine napoletana, gli rispose così:
lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Newyorknewyork

È evidente che si riferiva alle cazzuole: sembra che cadessero facilmente da quelle altezze e allora dovevano aspettare che un volenteroso scendesse giù a recuperarle.

In effetti erano tempi duri per le imprese edili niuiorchesi. Dall'Italia arrivavano tanti operai inesperti che non sapevano manco tenere una cazzuola in mano perché non avevano mai fatto l'alternanza scuola lavoro. È per quello che un illuminato statista, anni dopo, dopo aver visto un poster della CGIL, ebbe l'idea di obbligare le scuole italiane ad avviare gli studenti all'alternanza scuola lavoro prima di farli emigrare in america. Eccheccavolo c'è un'immagine dell'Italy da difendere, non si possono mandare gli emigrati a salire sui grattacieli senza che sappiano tenere salda in mano una cazzo di cazzuola!


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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da MLucia Mar Gen 26, 2016 8:09 pm

miranda ha scritto:La lettera è favolosa. L'ho fotocopiata e appesa in sala insegnanti e sopra il banco delle circolari! Da ex docente di inglese ho apprezzato moltissimo il lessico e la sintassi. Solo uno che SA l'inglese può storpiarlo così! Un genio.


By the way...le mie eccellenti docenti di inglese hanno deciso di estrapolarne paragrafi e di dare come esercizio (pair work or group work) ai ragazzi migliori il compito di "tradurla" in British English. Sono solo un po' perplesse su alcune espressioni come "have un cazz to do".



Messaggi : 512
Data d'iscrizione : 01.04.14

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lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish ) Empty Re: lettera aperta al nostro premier ( in Inglish )

Messaggio Da Ospite Mar Gen 26, 2016 8:11 pm

Ma non si dice FAQ!?


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